The streets of many cities are empty because of the coronavirus. And it looks scary!

Most of the world’s capitals, major cities, and even entire countries are under quarantine due to the spread of the coronavirus epidemic, which has affected 182 countries around the world in one way or another. In some places, the quarantine has been in effect for more than a week or even longer, while in other places, like London, people are just getting used to it.

The first week of a strict quarantine has begun in the UK. From Monday evening, people will only be allowed to leave their homes to buy food, visit the doctor or for essential work-related travel. You can go for a walk for the purpose of physical exercise only once a day and only alone or with a close relative.

Deserted Charing Cross Road, one of London’s main arteries, is seen from the window of the double-decker bus. Londoners are being urged not to travel unnecessarily, even in their own cars, although the mayor of London has temporarily lifted the congestion charge for entering the city center.

The monument to the Verona poet Berto Barbarani remained alone in one of the main squares of his hometown. The quarantine in epidemic-stricken Italy has lasted for over a week.

Paris, like the rest of France, has been under quarantine for six days: a person who appears on the street without a valid reason can be fined up to 135 euros.

Unfortunately, it’s not siesta time. The coronavirus has reached Pamplona in northern Spain – a country desperately fighting an epidemic that has claimed the lives of more than 2.5 thousand people.

In the Belgian capital, Brussels, drones are used to identify quarantine violators.

The Königstrasse in Stuttgart is empty, where the authorities have also stepped up measures to combat the new infection.

Dutch authorities urged citizens to follow the advice of the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment and stay at home. This was despite the good weather that residents of Rotterdam enjoyed on Tuesday.

In Moscow, quarantine is in effect for people over 65 and those with health problems, but many Muscovites prefer to stay home anyway. The most active are delivery service workers.

As of Monday, no one can be seen on the streets of Athens after the Greek authorities imposed restrictions on movement.

Georgia currently has fewer than 100 registered cases of the coronavirus, but on March 21 the country imposed a one-month precautionary quarantine.

A two-week ban on all movements, except essential ones, is also in effect in the Palestinian territories, in Ramallah.

The demand for street food in Bangkok has dropped dramatically.

In the center of the capital of Kazakhstan, Nur-Sultan, the streets are regularly disinfected.

There are currently only 277 confirmed cases of Covid-19 in Lebanon, but authorities have imposed a strict quarantine since last weekend, fearing the infection could spread.