Telomeres and Oxygen: Israeli Scientists Have Discovered the Secret of Longevity?

Inhaling pure oxygen can reverse the aging process, according to Israeli scientists at Tel Aviv University. They concluded that being in a hyperbaric chamber, where oxygen is delivered under pressure, can be very beneficial to the human body.

In particular, telomeres – the end sections of chromosomes that have a protective function and shorten with age, leading to cell aging – have increased by 20%. During the experiments, the telomeres increased in size and were “rejuvenated” by about 25 years.

The study also showed that the number of aging cells, which impede regeneration as they accumulate in the body, was reduced by 37% in some cases. Removing these “zombie cells” can ultimately extend a person’s life. In animal studies, removing these cells increased the life span of the animals by about a third.

Modern science believes that the direct cause of the development of diseases such as cancer, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s is the aging process. It is also known that obesity, smoking, physical inactivity, vitamin deficiency and inflammation in the body can accelerate the process of telomere shortening. This suggests that they have a significant impact on longevity.

This is what a hyperbaric chamber looks like. “Because shortening telomeres is considered a kind of Holy Grail for aging biology, scientists are studying pharmacological and procedural interventions in the hope of finding ways to lengthen telomeres,” said Professor Shai Efrati of Tel Aviv University’s Faculty of Medicine, according to the Daily Mail. According to the scientist, his group’s research shows that aging can actually be reversed at the basic cellular and biological level.

In a study published in the journal Aging, 35 healthy volunteers over the age of 64 breathed 100% oxygen through a mask in hyperbaric chambers. The sessions lasted 90 minutes and were conducted five days a week for three months. In such conditions, the state of hypoxia or lack of oxygen in an oxygen-saturated environment is simulated, thanks to which tissues dissolve more oxygen, which is known to promote regenerative effects in the body.

Previous scientific experiments have been conducted. They found that a healthy diet and high-intensity exercise also contribute to telomere lengthening. However, according to the Israeli scientists, the current study has shown a much higher effectiveness in this matter.

In these countries, people live significantly longer than the world average – and each has its own secret of longevity, its own source of spiritual youth.