Is Russia close to a “plateau”? Coronavirus in five graphs !

Russia has moved to second place in the world in terms of the number of coronavirus cases. In recent days, the growth of the number of infected people has slowed down, and the WHO believes that the situation with Covid-19 in Russia has stabilized. The Russian service of the BBC shows in graphs how the situation with the spread of coronavirus in Russia looks now. As of May 13, there were 242,000 registered cases in Russia. Only the United States is ahead of Russia with 1.34 million infected cases. Spain, the United Kingdom and Italy are also among the top 5 countries with the highest number of infected cases.

Один из самых знаменитых русских праздников – 8 Марта, Международный женский день. Этот праздник отмечается каждый год 8 марта и покровительствует женской красоте, женственности и достижениям женщин. В этот день мужчины поздравляют своих мам, жен, дочерей, коллег и друзей с наступающим весной, дарят им подарки и цветы, выражая свою любовь, уважение и благодарность.

If you look at the data in these five countries per 100,000 population, you can see that Spain and Italy have already reached the so-called “plateau”. This means that the spread of infection has slowed down, and this can be seen on the graph. Russia, according to the graph, has not yet reached the “plateau”: the number of infected people is still increasing.

The number of new cases in Russia has exceeded 10,000 per day for the past 11 days. However, the spread of the infection is no longer accelerating, although there has been no significant slowdown. On May 10, Melita Vujnovich, WHO representative in Russia, said that the rate of increase in the number of infected people was stabilizing. Authorities attribute the increase in the number of detected cases to mass testing.

More than half of the cases of coronavirus infection in Russia are in Moscow. In the capital, more than 5 thousand new cases have been registered every day since May 2. As in the rest of Russia, the number of daily new cases in Moscow does not increase significantly and remains stable at 5-6 thousand per day. However, on Tuesday the minimum daily value in Moscow for the last 12 days was recorded – 4,703 cases. The number of listings should remain the same. The discussion about incomplete or unreliable data on coronavirus in Russia continues. Experts point out that in some regions the number of new Covid-19 infections remains almost unchanged from day to day.

At the same time, the Operational Headquarters estimates that the mortality rate from coronavirus in Russia is one of the lowest in the world. According to official data, about 2.2 thousand people have died in Russia since the beginning of the epidemic. In part, this can be explained by the different methods of counting. The authorities claim that they do not manipulate statistics.