In Russia, more than 300 people were infected with coronavirus in one day?

Over the past 24 hours, 302 cases of coronavirus infection have been registered in 35 regions of Russia, bringing the total number of infected people in the country to 1836.

One more person has died, bringing the total number of deaths during the entire pandemic to nine. This is reported by Interfax, referring to the operational headquarters for the fight against the spread of coronavirus infection.

In Moscow, where most cases of coronavirus are recorded, 212 cases were registered in one day, 15 – in Komi, eight – in St. Petersburg and seven in the Moscow region.

There are also new cases of the disease in Buryatia, in the Arkhangelsk region, in the Belgorod, Pskov, Kirov, Adygea and Dagestan regions, in the Vladimir, Ivanovo, Ryazan, Vologda, Leningrad, Murmansk, Saratov, Chelyabinsk regions, Kabardino-Balkaria, Mari El, Perm and Krasnoyarsk regions, Kaluga, Lipetsk, Tver, Tula, Kaliningrad, Orenburg, Irkutsk, Novosibirsk regions, Kalmykia, Khakassia, Stavropol and Altai regions.

The majority of new coronavirus cases in Moscow are young people aged 18 to 40, according to the Operational Center, and only 43 people among those infected in the past two weeks have visited European countries.

The Moscow Health Department clarifies that among the new cases there are 102 people aged 18 to 40 (i.e. less than half), but the coronavirus has also been confirmed in 17 children. A total of 1226 cases of coronavirus were recorded in Moscow.

Earlier on Monday, Health Minister Mikhail Murashko reported that currently in 18 regions, 32 patients with coronavirus are in critical condition.

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Earlier in the day, Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin announced that more than a thousand cases of coronavirus had been registered in the Russian capital and urged Moscow residents to follow the government’s recommendations and stay home.

And in the evening, Sobyanin unexpectedly announced that quarantine would be practically introduced in Moscow. In order to prevent the spread of the coronavirus in the capital and the Moscow region, a self-isolation regime for all citizens, regardless of age, will be introduced as of Monday.

In accordance with the decree of the Mayor of Moscow, leaving your home is allowed only in cases of seeking emergency medical assistance and other immediate threats to life and health; going to work if a citizen is required to do so; shopping at the nearest operating store or pharmacy; walking domestic animals within a distance of 100 meters from the place of residence; necessity to take out household waste.

The same regime was announced the day before in the Moscow region. On Monday it became known that a regime of complete self-isolation will be introduced in the Murmansk and Kaliningrad regions.

In addition, Sobyanin stated that in the coming days (“after the implementation of technical and organizational measures”), one will be able to leave the house only with a special pass issued in accordance with the order established by the Moscow government.

The regime of general self-isolation does not restrict the right to enter or leave Moscow, “it’s just that you can’t move around the city without a valid reason,” the Moscow mayor explained.

The Kremlin considers it justified for the Moscow authorities to introduce a home self-isolation regime for city residents and other new restrictions due to the coronavirus, said Dmitry Peskov, the press secretary of the president, according to TASS.

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According to a source close to the city hall, Sobyanin may have disagreed with President Vladimir Putin’s decision to put Moscow residents in full self-isolation mode, according to the BBC.

Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin, in turn, called Sobyanin’s decision a logical continuation of Putin’s policy and urged governors to “consider the possibility of introducing similar measures in their regions.

At a meeting of the government’s coordination council, Mayor Sobyanin announced that Moscow authorities would tighten control over compliance with the quarantine measures. “Every day we will tighten control over this situation. I hope that by the end of the week we will have information systems that will allow us to have virtually full control over the movement of citizens,” he said.

Meanwhile, in Moscow’s Kommunarka hospital, which specializes in coronavirus, two more people died in the past day, chief physician Denis Protsenko said Monday. One of them was diagnosed with coronavirus. This death has not yet been included in the statistics of the operational center.