Do you have a rash or itching? We tell you how to spot monkey pox!

Rashes and skin irritations can occur for many reasons. Monkeypox is one of them, but this condition is extremely rare. We have gathered the main symptoms of the disease and advice on how to behave in the current situation.

First, ask yourself how likely it is that you have been exposed. This requires very close and prolonged contact with an infected person. Currently, this disease is diagnosed in a very small number of people worldwide, and the chances of meeting one of them are minimal. Even in remote areas of some African countries where there are occasional outbreaks of monkeypox, people rarely become infected.

But if you do become infected, the first symptoms will be similar to those of the flu – fatigue, fever, and general malaise. Doctors call this the “invasive phase” of the disease, when the infection takes hold in your body’s cells. The immune system is activated, causing the patient’s tonsils to become inflamed. Then a rash appears that goes through several stages. First, red spots appear on the skin, but the skin itself remains smooth. Then the eruption becomes voluminous, the spots turn into blisters (papules) and then into crusts.

The rash during monkeypox is very similar in appearance to chickenpox or syphilis. It also goes through different stages until it turns into scabs. As Dr. Rosamund Lewis, a staff member of the UN Emergency Program, explained, in the papule stage, the lesions resemble boils and fill with cloudy white fluid. Then they begin to dry out and become covered with crusts that fall off when they are completely healed. “This process can easily be confused with chickenpox,” says Lewis. Measles in monkeys usually first affects the face and in some cases the oral cavity, then the hands, feet, palms, soles, and finally the body. In some recently identified cases, damage to the genital area has also been observed. Dr. Lewis warns that a rash in these areas may not always be visible because it is hidden under the hair. In addition, its color depends on the skin tone of the infected person.

It should be noted that in some cases the infection can be transmitted through the patient’s bedding and clothing. “Identifying different types of rash is not easy. So if you have the slightest suspicion, see a doctor and follow their advice,” urges Tanya Blaker, president of the British Association of Dermatologists.

There are many options, but the most common ones have certain characteristics. Ветряная оспа is translated into English as “chickenpox”.

This type of rash is usually very itchy. It goes through the usual stages – from a spot to a scab. Although rare, an adult can get chickenpox again, even if they had it as a child. However, the reactivation of the varicella-zoster virus does not cause chickenpox, but shingles. Shingles also causes a rash, which is usually very painful.

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Scabies is caused by mites that lay eggs on the skin. This causes severe itching and redness. A rash can appear on any part of the body, but most often starts between the fingers. In scabies, you may notice grooves on the skin made by the mites. Although this disease is not dangerous, it is highly contagious and requires treatment.

Bed bugs or insect bites.

Bed bugs can be found in bedding or in the mattress you sleep on. The bugs themselves are tiny, so you may not notice them. Their bites, like the bites of many other insects, are red and itchy. They are often arranged in a line, but sometimes they cluster together as red dots.

Sexually transmitted diseases, such as syphilis or genital herpes.

Herpes can affect the lips and oral cavity. Syphilis is a bacterial infection, while herpes is a viral infection. Both are sexually transmitted. The first sign of both diseases is blisters. If you suspect you have one of these sexually transmitted infections, it is important to get tested and start treatment as soon as possible.


This itchy, burning red rash is a skin reaction to something the body perceives as a threat. Sometimes it is not possible to identify the trigger, but typically the cause of such a rash is the consumption of certain foods, medications, or exposure to certain plants or chemicals.

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This is a common viral infection that is often seen in children. It is harmless but can spread throughout the body in the form of hardened areas with a depression in the center that can be very itchy. Clusters of them usually occur in the armpits, behind the knees, or in the groin area. Infection usually occurs through contact with infected skin or by touching contaminated objects, such as towels.

The translation of the given Russian text into English is “Lizard hands, feet and mouth.”

This acute viral disease is transmitted through the air and droplets, as well as objects touched by an infected person, such as utensils. Initial symptoms are similar to the flu, then the mucous membranes of the mouth and nose are affected, then the virus spreads to the palms and soles of the feet. Typically, the illness resolves on its own.


This highly contagious bacterial infection usually affects already damaged skin, causing ulcers and weeping, crust-covered blisters – often on the face. Although the appearance of this condition can be frightening, it is easily treated with antibiotic cream.