Did a 22 year old student set up a vaccination center in the USA and give shots to his friends?!

Waiting to be vaccinated at the Philly Fighting Covid Center. In Philadelphia, prosecutors are investigating the activities of a company run by a 22-year-old businessman. Master’s student Andrey Doroshin founded Philly Fighting Covid, which won a grant to provide coronavirus vaccinations. It soon became apparent that Doroshin was taking several doses of the vaccine home and giving injections to his friends.
In Philadelphia, a city of just over one and a half million people, 109,000 have recovered from the coronavirus and about 3,000 have died. City officials warned of the high risk of transmission.
Nine months ago, 22-year-old Andrey Doroshin, a graduate student at Drexel University in Pennsylvania, founded a startup called Philly Fighting Covid to make protective masks using a 3D printer. Later, the company began testing for coronaviruses and soon received a government grant to run a mass vaccination clinic. The Ministry of Health’s decision to partner with a startup less than a year old surprised many. “Why would we rely on an organization that has been in existence for less than nine months and was founded by students to produce personal protective equipment? Instead of organizations that have a proven track record of helping people?” city council member Catherine Gilmore Richardson told journalists. “I am completely astonished and cannot understand how this happened.”
For some time, the Philadelphia authorities had no claims against Doroshina’s company, but soon it became known that Philly Fighting Covid had switched from a nonprofit model to a commercial one, updated its privacy policy, and failed to inform the administration. At this point, the startup has collected the personal data of several thousand city residents, thanks in part to the authorities, who have actively encouraged citizens to register on the Philly Fighting Covid website to receive advance notice when their turn comes. The city authorities have begun to fear that Doroshina will start selling personal data of vaccinated residents, and have expressed a loss of confidence in the organization.
We explain quickly, simply, and clearly what happened, why it matters, and what happens next. The number of offers should remain: episodes. “End of story: Podcast Advertising” Updating the privacy policy is not the only scandal surrounding Philly Fighting Covid. Nurse Katrina Lipinski, who worked at the company’s vaccination center, tweeted that she saw Doroshin take home a package of vaccines. “I told the head of the medical staff. The response was basically this: ‘The Ministry of Health is not against it because we don’t waste vaccines this way. But something tells me that the department is unaware that employees are pocketing the vaccines,” she wrote. Following these accusations, Andrey Doroshin gave an interview to the Today Show and admitted that on January 23, he took home four doses of the vaccine that were left at the center. He also admitted that he personally injected his four friends, although he does not have the necessary medical qualifications. “You gave the vaccines to your friends, young people. Why couldn’t you find someone who needed it more? There are elderly people who don’t have access to this vaccine right now,” journalists asked Duroshin. “We called everyone we knew,” Doroshin replied. “Everyone! But those doses were running out.”

Andrey Doroshin In the same interview, he admitted that he was not a nurse and therefore did not have the right to give injections. “I understand that I made a mistake. It is a mistake that I will have to live with for the rest of my life. But it is not a mistake of my organization. Doroshin took responsibility for updating the company’s privacy policy and again admitted that it was a mistake. He assured that his company never sold personal information, although he did not hide the fact that Philly Fighting Covid was ultimately trying to make a profit. Doroshin stated that the project has not turned a profit to date. “There is still a lie in Andrei’s confession,” commented Katrina Lipinski in an interview. “As a nurse, it was my duty to tell what I saw, and he admitted it.” Journalists have found a deleted page from the Doroshina organization’s website in the search engine cache. It stated that Philly Fighting Covid could not remain inactive during the pandemic and wanted to help in any way possible. One of Doroshina’s friends told WHYY radio that the company’s CEO said, “It’s just like Elon Musk! It’s the highest goal you can set.” One of the volunteers who worked at the vaccination center told the publication: “They [company employees] said they were going to be millionaires.” According to American media reports, Philly Fighting Covid has begun charging insurance companies for vaccinating their clients, even though the vaccine is distributed free of charge. In an attempt to defend this decision, Doroshin stated that the donations received by the company were not enough to cover the costs of running the vaccination clinic. At this time, the Philadelphia authorities have many questions for Doroshina. They are also concerned that, under the company’s direction, the vaccination center has allowed anyone, regardless of age, to sign up for vaccination. The coronavirus vaccine recently became available in Philadelphia, and the city has decided to prioritize vaccinating people over the age of 75. According to nurse Katrina Lipinski, not all of the patients she had to vaccinate met those criteria. “Trust is the most important thing we have when it comes to vaccine distribution. And we cannot ask the residents of Philadelphia to trust the organization that we no longer trust ourselves,” said James Garro, the city’s health commissioner.

On January 29, a statement from Doroshin appeared on the company’s official website: “Today, Philly Fighting Covid should be vaccinating thousands of people. But instead, I am forced to defend us against yet another example of dirty politics in Philadelphia. First, they used a diversionary tactic by claiming that we sell or will sell personal information. This is a false accusation. Then, without any evidence, the health commissioner suddenly and without cause severed our relationship.

Due to the vaccination scandal, the deputy director of the Philadelphia Department of Health, Caroline Jones, has already resigned. According to the department’s press secretary, James Garrou, in a conversation with CNN, Jones may have provided Philly Fighting Covid and another organization involved in the selection process with additional information that was “not available to all potential candidates” who wanted to organize vaccinations in the city. The winning companies did not sign an official contract with the city authorities to receive the vaccine: a representative of the health department explained that the organizations simply filled out forms, after which the selection was made. Not long ago, the American media treated Doroshin with great enthusiasm, calling him a man who had invented a unique vaccination system that allowed a larger number of people to be vaccinated than in other centers. In a short time, about seven thousand injections were administered using this system. Now some people who have only received the first dose of the vaccine are worried that they will be left without the second. Today quotes health worker Stasia Chiak: “We have discussed this with colleagues and we feel abandoned. It’s very frustrating.” The Philadelphia Department of Health said it has the data of all people who still need to receive the second dose, and the vaccination will be done. At this time, it is unclear whether any charges will be filed against Doroshin, who has already stated that he has received threats against himself. The Philadelphia District Attorney and the Pennsylvania Attorney General are investigating the matter.