Coronavirus: USA Takes Lead in Number of Infections, Surpassing China?

The U.S. has surpassed China in the number of confirmed coronavirus cases (82,040 in the U.S. and 81,782 in China as of Thursday evening). The number of cases in the U.S. is growing rapidly, while the number of new infections in China is in the dozens per day. According to the President of the United States, Donald Trump, the country is first in the number of coronavirus infections due to mass testing of people. In New York alone, there are over 30,000 infected people. The statistics are even worse in Italy. Infection cases have been recorded in all 50 American states, and the number of deaths has exceeded 1,000. Earlier in the day, the U.S. Senate passed a two trillion dollar economic stimulus bill. This is the largest government aid package in American history, with the expectation that every adult resident of the United States will receive a one-time aid payment of $1200. In addition, small businesses will be able to count on grants to ensure that wages are paid.

Volunteers in the USA sew medical masks. The number of unemployed in the United States following the outbreak of the coronavirus epidemic exceeded all predictions and reached 3.3 million people. The most vulnerable segment of the population is those who earn hourly wages and live from paycheck to paycheck. Overnight, millions of these workers were left without jobs. According to the Department of Labor, more than three million Americans filed for unemployment benefits last week, surpassing the previous record of 695,000 people in 1982.

The total number of people infected with the coronavirus worldwide exceeded half a million on Thursday. In France and the United Kingdom, the number of deaths from the disease has risen sharply. The number of deaths has also increased in Italy: 712 people died in one day, and a total of 8215 people have died during the pandemic. President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky announced the complete closure of the borders, while in Britain they announced measures to support the self-employed. The faint hope that emerged on Tuesday that the number of coronavirus deaths in Italy was declining collapsed on Thursday: 712 people died in the country in one day. Earlier, it was reported that 662 infected people had died, but authorities did not include 50 deaths from the Piedmont region in the report. This means that the number of deaths per day has increased again. On Wednesday, this number reached 683 cases. The number of people infected per day has also increased from 74,386 to 80,539. This is the highest number since March 21.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan during a virtual summit. The leaders of the G20 countries held a virtual summit on Thursday, chaired by Saudi Arabia, to discuss a plan of emergency measures to combat the global threat. Leaders of the Group of Twenty nations have pledged five trillion dollars to fight the coronavirus in all countries affected by the pandemic. Priority will be given to countries with underdeveloped health systems, especially island nations. In the coming weeks, G20 finance ministers and European Central Bank officials will work on an action plan to support the global economy. Their goal is to prevent the disruption of global trade, especially in pharmaceuticals. They also promise additional measures to repatriate citizens if necessary.

Russian President Vladimir Putin will attend the summit. The UN is urging world leaders to pay special attention to the fate of millions of refugees and internally displaced persons, particularly in countries such as Syria and Libya, which are unable to provide aid to those in need due to political crises. We explain quickly, simply, and clearly what happened, why it matters, and what will happen next. The number of offers should remain: Episodes The end of the story: Podcast Advertising

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky announced that by Friday evening the state border will be completely closed. “The state border will be closed and all passenger transport will be suspended until the end of Friday, March 27,” he said in his address to Ukrainians on Thursday. The president promised to gradually return to the country the citizens who will remain abroad at the time of the border closure. “No Ukrainian staying abroad will be forgotten. We will gradually bring you back from abroad, but taking into account the epidemiological situation in the place of your stay, as well as the level of provision with necessary resources and readiness of the medical system for your mandatory isolation,” the President said. Ukrainian railway monopoly, JSC “Ukrzaliznytsia”, has scheduled a flight from Kyiv to Moscow on March 27th, intended for the evacuation of Ukrainian citizens from Russia. However, according to the company’s plans, it is supposed to depart from Moscow on March 28th and arrive in Kyiv on Sunday morning. The same information is given in the Telegram channel of “Ukrzaliznytsia”. Unrecognized republics in the east of the country have not yet made any statements about closing the border. Two days ago, the unrecognized Donetsk People’s Republic announced that 71 people were suspected of having coronavirus.

Italian authorities say the country is struggling to bury the dead, with morgues overflowing and hundreds of coffins in hospital chapels and churches awaiting burial. On Tuesday, there was a glimmer of hope that in the northern regions of Italy that have been hardest hit by the Covid-19 epidemic, for the first time since the outbreak, the number of infections and deaths is decreasing and the infection rate is beginning to slow. However, Thursday’s new numbers of cases and deaths suggest the opposite, in addition to concerns that the epicenter of the epidemic may be shifting to the south of the country. The southern regions of Italy are poorer than the northern regions, making it more difficult to control the spread of the virus and treat patients.

In Spain, 56 thousand cases of Covid-19 have been confirmed. The worst situation is in southern Europe: Spain has overtaken China in the number of coronavirus deaths, only to be surpassed by Italy in this sad ranking. In the past 24 hours, 738 people have died in the country – a record number for a single day. The total number of deaths in Spain now stands at 4,145. According to Johns Hopkins University, 3,169 people died in China and 8,215 in Italy.

In Spanish hospitals, there are about 27 thousand people with a confirmed diagnosis. The situation is worst in Madrid, and the number of infected people is increasing rapidly in Catalonia. The Spanish Parliament has extended the full quarantine regime in the country for another two weeks. It was previously reported that Covid-19 had been detected in the country’s deputy prime minister, Carmen Calvo. On Sunday, she was hospitalized with signs of respiratory failure.

There is a severe shortage of medical staff and ventilators in the UK. The number of people who have died from the coronavirus in Britain in one day has exceeded 100 for the first time. Local authorities have announced that a total of 578 people have died from the infection. A total of nearly 105 thousand people in the country have taken a coronavirus test, of which 11,568 were found to be infected. A nationwide quarantine remains in effect in the UK, with almost all businesses except pharmacies and grocery stores closed. Residents are advised not to leave their homes unless absolutely necessary. On Wednesday, police were given the power to fine those who violate the isolation regime. In England, the fine for a first offense will be £60 (or £30 if paid within two weeks), while repeat offenders can be fined up to £960. The management of one of the London hospitals warns that London hospitals are facing a “tsunami of coronavirus-infected patients”. In addition, according to one doctor, medical facilities are beginning to experience a shortage of beds equipped with artificial lung ventilators. According to Chris Hopson, the head of one of the companies that regulates the work of the British National Health Service (NHS), the capacity of resuscitation and intensive care units in London hospitals has increased significantly since the beginning of the epidemic, but very soon it will not be enough. London accounts for one third of all confirmed cases in the UK. In addition, according to Hopson, the country is experiencing a serious shortage of medical personnel, as many doctors who have treated Covid-19 patients have gone into self-isolation. On Thursday, news broke of the first death in one of the British prisons. An 84-year-old inmate diagnosed with Covid-19 died. British Treasury Minister Rishi Sunak has revealed how the government plans to help the self-employed. They will be able to claim support from the government amounting to 80% of their average monthly earnings, but the maximum amount of support will be capped at £2500 per month. It is currently planned that the scheme will be in place for three months, starting in March. However, the payments will be one-time and will be made in June. The death toll from Covid-19 in France has risen sharply. Authorities reported that 365 people died in one day, bringing the total to 1696. Yesterday, 231 deaths were reported. More than 25.5 thousand people have been infected in the country. French authorities continue to tighten restrictive measures to combat the outbreak. Now, outdoor joggers are not allowed to go more than one kilometer from home and stay outdoors for more than one hour. Hundreds of thousands of police patrol the streets of French cities. Violators of the quarantine rules face a six-month prison sentence. Journalists now need a special permit to work on the streets of cities. Previously, it was enough to show their publication ID. There are cases where people are fined for having two people in the car. Only one family member is allowed to go shopping.

The line at the organic food store in Berlin: people keep a distance of 1.5 meters. In Germany the rules are not so strict. You can walk with your whole family if they live under one roof. You can also meet friends and other relatives on the street, but in this case you must walk in pairs and keep a distance of 1.5 meters. The police will monitor this.

Germany’s coronavirus mortality rate is currently one of the lowest in Europe, but the country’s virologists warn that the situation could change. Germans are writing on social media that, like in Britain, all pasta products and flour have disappeared from store shelves. In Germany, nearly 40 thousand people are infected, with 222 deaths.

The majority of Austria’s population is under quarantine, and the country’s residents are facing a problem with home delivery of food. The schedule of all relevant services is planned weeks in advance. In Hungary’s capital, Budapest, the charity group Bike Maffia uses bicycles to deliver hot food and vitamins to homeless shelters. A diplomatic conflict has arisen between Slovenia and Serbia: Serbia has closed its borders, leaving about 100 of its citizens on Slovenian territory. All of them came to Slovenia to work, lost their jobs, but cannot return home. According to Slovenian authorities, most of them are living in cars. In Iran, there has been a new spike in infection cases and a ban on intercity travel has been imposed in the country. Singapore’s economy has contracted by 10% since the beginning of the year compared to the previous quarter’s indicators. Kenyan authorities have banned the import of used clothing. This is a big business in the country. Many low-income Kenyans can only afford second-hand clothes. Clothes are mainly imported from Europe, North America and China.