Coronavirus in the world: 25 million infected and doubts about the effectiveness of the Russian vaccine?

On Sunday, Johns Hopkins University announced that the number of coronavirus infections has exceeded 25 million. It is worth noting that the distance from 20 to 25 million was covered in 20 days, while the growth from 5 to 10 million in May-June took 38 days. The pandemic has affected 188 countries and territories. 851 thousand people have died.

The United States accounts for about a quarter of the world’s Covid-19 cases. As of Monday, more than 6 million cases have been reported there. In Russia, which ranks fourth in the world by this indicator, the number is close to one million. In terms of daily growth, India leads the way with nearly 80,000 in the past day.

Among the regions of the world, North America leads in terms of the number of people infected, with 7.3 million. This is followed by Asia with nearly 7 million, South America with 6.25 million, Europe with 3.5 million and Africa with 1.25 million. Most deaths occurred in the United States (187,000), Brazil (121,000), India (64,500), and Mexico (64,000).

Partially recognized by the international community, the President of Venezuela, Nicolas Maduro, stated that in the coming days the country will begin recruiting volunteers for testing the Russian Covid-19 vaccine. In the same speech, he announced that quarantine would be reinstated in Venezuela as of Monday. The number of confirmed cases of Covid-19 in Venezuela does not exceed 50,000, with a confirmed diagnosis of 381 deaths, which is relatively low compared to neighboring countries. However, independent experts believe that the actual numbers may be higher due to the low number of tests. Maduro has repeatedly accused compatriots traveling abroad of spreading the coronavirus.

On August 11, Russia officially registered the world’s first vaccine against Covid-19, but immunologists have doubts about its effectiveness and safety due to the unprecedented speed with which it was developed. Chinese and Russian vaccines may not work for everyone, experts warn. The vaccine, developed by the Chinese company CanSino Biologics, approved in China for military vaccination and offered to several countries, is based on a modified form of adenovirus type 5 (Ad5), which causes the common cold.

We explain quickly, simply, and clearly what happened, why it matters, and what happens next. Episodes The end of the story. Podcast Advertising. The Russian vaccine, developed by the Gamaleya Research Institute and registered on August 11, is based on the same virus and another, less common virus. The problem, some experts say, is that many people have been exposed to the Ad5 virus and have developed immunity to it, so new vaccines may not affect them. “I am concerned about Ad5 because a lot of people have immunity to it. I am not sure what their strategy is… Maybe the efficacy will not be 70%, maybe it will be 40%” – Reuters quotes vaccine specialist Anna Durbin from Johns Hopkins University. – But it’s better than nothing as long as nobody offers anything better.

Meanwhile, the World Health Organization (WHO) has stated that granting licenses for the use of new vaccines against Covid-19 in an emergency requires a serious and thoughtful approach. Dr. Sumia Swaminathan, WHO Assistant Director-General, emphasized that every country has the right to approve new drugs without full trials, but that such options should not be taken lightly. According to the WHO, 33 vaccines are currently undergoing clinical trials in various countries, while another 143 are undergoing preclinical evaluation.

73-year-old Piers Corbyn, the older brother of former British Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn, was arrested by police and fined £10,000 for organizing a Saturday rally of COVID skeptics in London’s Trafalgar Square. The slogan of the campaign was “Let’s unite in the name of freedom. On August 23, the government authorized the police to fine organizers 10,000 pounds and individual participants 100 pounds for mass events of more than 30 people that do not follow social distancing measures. As Home Secretary Priti Patel has said, it is necessary to fight those who consider themselves above the law and endanger the lives of others. Corbin Sr. became the first person to fall under the new rule. He said he intends to appeal the decision. Piers Corbyn is also known for his skepticism about global climate change, here he disagrees with his famous younger brother’s views.

Piers Corbyn is a great skeptic; he doesn’t believe in the effectiveness of measures against the coronavirus or in global warming.