Does a cup of coffee 30 minutes before a workout help you lose weight? But not for everyone?

Drinking a cup of coffee half an hour before exercise increases fat burning. Does coffee burn fat if you drink it half an hour before a workout? This was the question posed by researchers from the Faculty of Physiology at the University of Granada. To answer this question, they conducted an experiment on 15 men with an average age of 32.

For several weeks, twice a day, at 8 a.m. and 5 p.m., some were given a cup of coffee to drink, while others were given a placebo. Thirty minutes after drinking the coffee or the placebo, the men performed an exercise with the same load. It was found that 3 mg of caffeine (equivalent to one cup of espresso) consumed half an hour before aerobic exercise significantly increased the rate of fat burning. “The results of our research show that consuming caffeine 30 minutes before aerobic exercise increases maximum fat oxidation during exercise,” said study author Francisco Jose Amaro-Gahete.

Scientists have also found that when exercise is performed in the second half of the day, the effect of consuming caffeine before exercise is more noticeable than in the morning. According to scientists, there are daily variations in fat oxidation, and fat is burned more efficiently during the day than in the morning – provided a person has not eaten the same number of hours before exercising. The new findings were published in the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition.

Coffee definitely helps young men lose weight, but how it affects girls and women is still being studied. “The recommendation to exercise on an empty stomach in the morning to increase fat oxidation is well known. However, it has not been scientifically proven that the effectiveness is specifically related to the morning hours, as opposed to the fact that a person simply did not eat overnight and had several hours without food before the workout,” adds the scientist.

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The results of a study conducted by scientists will undoubtedly delight coffee lovers and those who can’t stand morning workouts. The combination of a cup of coffee and moderate-intensity aerobic exercise in the afternoon provides the optimal fat-burning effect for people who want to increase their fat expenditure during exercise. Caffeine is one of the most commonly used ergogenic aids to enhance athletic performance. Ergogenic substances are those that help improve performance during exercise and improve adaptation to training loads. Despite its widespread use as a stimulant, there is currently little scientific evidence that caffeine has any positive effect on exercise performance.

Scientists from Granada have added to the existing evidence with their research showing that coffee not only helps people wake up, but also helps them lose weight. In 2018, an article published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine found that moderate (up to 4 cups per day) and regular caffeine consumption improves physical performance. The ergogenic effect of caffeine on muscular endurance, muscular strength, anaerobic power, and aerobic endurance was confirmed by a meta-analysis of previously published studies on the effects of coffee on physical fitness. However, as in the case of the Granada scientists, all these studies were conducted on young men. Whether coffee is equally beneficial for women and middle-aged and elderly people remains to be seen.