Bruce Willis is no longer a recipient of the Golden Raspberry Award! His award was revoked because of aphasia?

The organizers of the anti-award “Golden Raspberry”, which is given for the worst acting performance, have decided not to award the prize to Bruce Willis.

Earlier, the actor’s family revealed that he suffers from a serious cognitive disorder – aphasia.

At the “Raspberries” ceremony held last week, 67-year-old Willis was given a separate category – “the worst performance by Bruce Willis in 2021”.

Eight films in which the actor appeared in the last 12 months were up for the award.

The anti-prize went to the movie “Star Frontier,” in which Willis plays a general in the space forces.

Last Wednesday, however, the Willis family announced that the actor was retiring from his career due to the diagnosis.

Aphasia is a cognitive impairment that affects a person’s ability to speak and write.

Later, information began to appear in American media that directors have tried to shorten his monologues in recent months, and on the set of the 2020 film “Commanded: To Destroy,” the actor accidentally fired a loaded blank round from a pistol.

Willis, now 67, rose to fame as one of the stars of the TV series “Moonlighting” and later became a true star when he was cast as John McClane, a police officer forced to fight European terrorists in the 1988 Christmas action film “Die Hard.

Bruce Willis’ wife Emma thanked social networks for their support.

The organizers of the Golden Raspberry Awards initially refused to bow to the influence of the Internet, whose users began to call for the cancellation of the anti-award ceremony for Willis.

They said it was unfair to criticize the actor, who suffers from cognitive disorders, for his poor performance.

On Thursday, the organizers announced that they sympathized with Willis but would not withdraw the award, but they had questions about Willis’ agent, who allowed the sick actor to appear in eight movies in one year.

But on Friday, they changed their position, confirming on Twitter that Willis’ “award” had been revoked.

The wife of actor Emma Hemming Willis took to Instagram to thank social media users. “Your love, support, compassion and prayers really help. I am grateful. Thank you from the bottom of my heart,” she wrote.

Willis was supported by actor John Travolta, who starred with him in Quentin Tarantino’s “Pulp Fiction” in 1994, and “Friends” star Matthew Perry.

Organizers also canceled the nomination of actress Shelley Duvall, who could have received an anti-award for her role as the protagonist’s wife in Stanley Kubrick’s decades-old “The Shining.”

“We have discovered that Stanley Kubrick’s involvement with the game Duval during the production of the film has had an impact on the film. We would like to take this opportunity to withdraw this nomination,” the organizers said.

Duvall was nominated for a Golden Raspberry 42 years ago for the movie “The Shining” – along with Kubrick himself.

However, it has since come to light that the director mistreated the actress on set, which had a negative impact on her well-being and performance.

The organizers of the John Wilson and Morin Murphy Award said in a recent interview that they would like to withdraw the nomination today.