Is exercise more beneficial in the morning for women and in the evening for men?

Morning exercise can help women reduce body fat and lower blood pressure. No one disputes the benefits of exercise at any time of day. However, according to a study conducted in the USA, men and women get the most benefit from physical activity at different times of the day.

It turns out that women burn more fat when they exercise in the morning, while men burn more fat in the evening. The research was published this week in the journal Frontiers in Psychology. According to scientists, our knowledge of the benefits of physical activity is based primarily on experiments conducted primarily with men.

The new study is not very large: only 56 volunteers – 30 men and 26 women – between the ages of 25 and 55 were selected to participate. For 12 weeks, scientists monitored the effects of a standardized fitness program that included stretching, running, strength training, and cardio exercises on each participant. One group exercised for one hour in the morning, until 08:00, while the other group performed the exact same activities in the evening, after 18:00. Individual differences in diet were minimized by a specially designed standard diet for the volunteers. At the beginning and end of each exercise session, the researchers measured the participants’ blood pressure, the volume of fat deposits, and several other parameters.

The main finding of the study was that all volunteers who participated reported an improvement in their overall health and ability to work, regardless of the time of day they exercised. “The best time to exercise is when you can find the time,” says Dr. Paul Arcerio, lead author of the study and professor of medicine and physiology at Skidmore College in upstate New York. At the same time, he says, the ideal time of day to exercise differs for men and women for a variety of reasons.

Based on the research, women can be advised to exercise in the morning to reduce fat deposits around the waist and lower blood pressure, says Dr. Arserio. And here’s a tip for women who want to increase their upper body muscle mass and improve their overall mood and appetite: exercise in the evening. Men showed less dependence on the time of day during the experiment, especially when it comes to increasing muscle mass. However, evening exercises are ideal for men who need to improve heart function and metabolism, according to Dr. Arserio. These exercises are said to be more effective in restoring emotional balance and improving mental health.

Accelerating metabolism reduces the risk of obesity, and with it, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and stroke. The exact reason for the difference in the effects of exercising at different times of the day for men and women is still unclear. Further research is needed to clarify this. Perhaps women burn more fat in the morning because their bodies generally tend to store more fat in the abdominal area. Internal biorhythms may also play an important role. “The study involved people of normal weight, but scientists believe that its conclusions apply to people who are overweight and even to those who suffer from clinical obesity.”

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