Justin Bieber canceled his tour due to facial nerve palsy! But does he have a good chance of recovery?

Canadian singer Justin Bieber has announced that he is suffering from facial nerve paralysis and has been diagnosed with Bell’s palsy. As a result, he had to cancel his upcoming concerts. “As you can see, this eye is not blinking. I can’t smile on that side of my face… Complete paralysis on the right side,” the 28-year-old singer said in a recorded video message to fans on Instagram.”

Ramsay Hunt syndrome is a form of herpes zoster that affects the facial nerve. The disease most commonly occurs as a result of reactivation of the varicella-zoster virus, which can remain dormant in the body for decades after a person has had chickenpox. In early 2020, Bieber revealed that he suffers from Lyme disease, also known as tick-borne borreliosis. In addition to the borreliosis, which was diagnosed in late 2019, Bieber also suffers from a chronic viral infection that affects his skin, brain function, energy levels, and overall health. Bieber contracted the disease during his world tour. He asked his fans to be patient because, according to him, he will obviously not be able to perform physically in the near future. “It’s pretty serious, as you can see,” Justin said in the video, trying unsuccessfully to wink with his right eye. “I wish it wasn’t like this, but obviously my body is telling me to take a little rest.” According to him, he will use the unexpected free time that has appeared to restore himself to return to the stage fully armed to continue doing what he was born to do.

Bieber said he’s doing facial exercises to recover as quickly as possible, but he doesn’t know how long this process will take.

Bieber and his wife Hailey According to American doctors, the majority of hantavirus patients recover, but in some cases the symptoms can become chronic. British doctor Charles Nduka, who specializes in such diseases, told Reuters agency that about 75% of patients with Hunt syndrome who receive timely help get rid of the ailment completely. “I noticed that in the video posted by Bieber, there are some signs of recovery, which is encouraging,” the specialist said. “In the case of facial nerve paralysis, one of the most characteristic symptoms is when patients cannot fully close their eyes and cannot smile.” According to Ndouki, before smiles return to the sick, their faces become more symmetrical – and signs of this process are evident in Bieber’s video.

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