Coronavirus: Are they digging mass graves in New York State, which has more Covid-19 cases than any other country?

The number of coronavirus deaths in New York sets a sad record for the third day in a row. Photo of funerals in Brooklyn. The number of coronavirus infections in New York State alone has surpassed the statistics of any other country in the world. Over the past day, an additional 10,000 infected people have been identified there, bringing the total to 159,937.

In Spain, which until recently led this sad ranking, Covid-19 was diagnosed in 153,000 people, and in Italy in 143,000. At the same time, the number of deaths in New York State is lower than in these countries – 7,000 compared to 15,500 in Spain and 18,000 in Italy. China, which became the epicenter of the outbreak and spread of the epidemic, reports 82 thousand confirmed cases on its territory, 3,300 people have died. A total of 462,000 cases and 16,500 deaths are reported in the United States. Worldwide statistics – over one and a half million infected, 95 thousand dead.

Photos taken from a drone in New York have appeared on the Internet showing people in protective clothing lowering coffins into a mass grave. They can be seen descending the stairs to the bottom of a huge pit. This part of New York – Hart Island – has been used by city officials for over 150 years for mass burials of those who had no relatives or whose families could not afford a funeral.

On Thursday, about 40 coffins containing the bodies of the deceased were buried in this mass grave. New York officials have used Hart Island for mass burials for over 150 years. According to New York City Hall, funerals on Hart Island used to be held no more than once a week, but now work there only stops on weekends. Normally, prisoners from Rikers Island, which is also located in New York waters, are used for this purpose. But during the epidemic, the burials are being done by contractors.

For the third day in a row, a record number of coronavirus patients are dying in New York. Last Wednesday, 799 people died there, and the daily death toll has been rising ever since. At the same time, the governor of the state, Andrew Cuomo, announced that the number of Covid-19 patients admitted to hospitals has decreased for the second day in a row. In his opinion, this is due to the quarantine and social distancing measures that have been implemented. “This epidemic is a silent explosion that has engulfed society and chooses its random victims with particular cruelty, it all resembles what we already saw on September 11th,” the governor compared the current situation to the attacks in New York on September 11, 2001.

On Thursday, U.S. officials lowered the national forecast for COVID-19 mortality. In an interview with ABC, Anthony Fauci, head of the White House Emergency Coronavirus Task Force, said that about 60,000 people nationwide will die from Covid-19. In late March, Fauci believed that the number of victims would reach 100-200,000 people. According to the U.S. government’s previous projections, about the same number – up to 60,000 people – could die from the common flu between October 2019 and March 2020. However, Vice President of the United States Mike Pence reminded on Thursday that Covid-19 is about three times more contagious than the flu.

Chicago has seen an increase in firearm assaults. We explain quickly, simply, and clearly what happened, why it matters, and what will happen next. The number of offers should remain: episodes. The end of the story: Promotional Podcasts

As a result of the quarantine measures implemented, business in non-essential industries in 42 states of the country came to a standstill, leading to the biggest crisis in the U.S. economy in many decades. According to the latest data, six million Americans have filed for unemployment benefits. The total number of Americans who have lost their jobs in the past three weeks is 16.8 million people.

In Chicago, a ban on the sale of alcohol after 9:00 p.m. was enacted to prevent large corporations from violating the ban on recreational activities. “We are implementing this ban because too many individuals and businesses are violating the stay at home order,” Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot said Wednesday. In addition, the city is experiencing attacks with firearms. Last Tuesday, seven people were killed and fourteen injured. “Every bed in the intensive care unit occupied by a person with a gunshot wound could have been given to someone’s grandmother, to people at risk of dying from the pandemic,” said Chicago Police Superintendent Charlie Beck.

The state of Illinois, with Chicago as its capital, is among the states with a high rate of coronavirus spread, along with New York, Washington, Louisiana, Mississippi, Michigan, and Wisconsin.

Meanwhile, the Texas court partially lifted the temporary ban on abortions imposed by state officials in connection with the outbreak of the coronavirus epidemic. This was done so that medical personnel and equipment would not be burdened with procedures that the authorities deemed medically insignificant. However, the Chief Judge of Lee County, a George Bush appointee, deemed it an unjust violation of a woman’s right to an abortion and placed restrictions on the authorities’ decision. Similar temporary abortion bans have been enacted in the states of Alabama, Iowa, Ohio, and Oklahoma.

Experts note that in the midst of the coronavirus epidemic, disagreements over issues that the country has been unable to resolve for many decades have resurfaced with renewed force in American society. For example, should gun shops be closed during the epidemic, or should churches abide by the ban on mass gatherings, given that religion is separate from the state in the US.