Digest: Spain and Italy ease quarantine, Trump wants to do the same in the States?

Coronavirus mortality rates continue to decline in Spain.

The two European countries most affected by the coronavirus – Italy and Spain – have begun to ease quarantine measures. In Italy, shops are beginning to reopen, while in Spain, entire factories are resuming work. The WHO is urging the authorities of these countries not to rush, and the EU is unhappy with Madrid’s decision. In Austria, thousands of shops will open on Tuesday. The situation in France and the United Kingdom remains unchanged, as the peak of infection has not yet been reached in these countries. Germany is discussing the possibility of relaxing some measures.

Moscow residents will need passes to move around the city: from April 15, it will not be possible to travel on any mode of transport without them. Details can be found here: Is it possible to cheat the Moscow pass system? The authorities do not recommend it.

Donald Trump promised to begin lifting quarantines in American states soon, saying he could do so because “the power of the US president is absolute.” In the United States, by law, such decisions are made by governors. Experts predict a conflict between the White House and state authorities. The number of states that have already announced a gradual easing of strict quarantine measures is 10, including New York, California, Oregon and Washington.

Authorities in Kiev have quarantined the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra after an outbreak of Covid-19 there. More than 90 people in the monastery have been infected with the coronavirus, making it the fifth highest number of infected people in Kyiv. In March, the deputy of the Lavra monastery, Metropolitan Pavel, said that the coronavirus is caused by sins, and in order to deal with it, one must embrace, pray, fast, and receive communion. He then called on the faithful to come to church. The Metropolitan later admitted that he had underestimated the problem. On April 11, the bishop was hospitalized and put on a respirator.

In Northern Italy almost every family has masks now. The head of the WHO’s Special Commission on Coronavirus Control, David Nabarro, admitted that people may have to get into the habit of wearing protective masks to stop the spread of Covid-19. According to him, this could become the norm. “The virus is not going away, and we do not know whether immunity will develop in those who have had it and whether they can get sick again. We also do not know when a vaccine will be available,” Nabarro said in an interview with the BBC.

The leaders of the ASEAN member countries will hold an emergency video conference with the participation of the leaders of Japan, China, and South Korea due to the recent deterioration of Covid-19 statistics in several countries in the region. In particular, the number of new cases of coronavirus infection has increased again in China. As reported, the majority of those infected are Chinese citizens returning home from abroad. More than half of them are residents of the northern districts of China bordering Russia.

The decade of Russian disinformation in the field of health care has damaged major medical institutions and contributed to the spread of deadly diseases, according to the New York Times in the article “Putin’s Long War Against American Science”. According to the newspaper, on February 3, after the WHO recognized the Covid-19 outbreak as an emergency, information began to spread from a number of Russian social media accounts claiming that the new virus was nothing more than a biological weapon. The New York Times conducted its own investigation and claims that the dissemination of false information about the work of American scientists, vaccines, and the nature of various epidemics is a campaign sanctioned by Putin and aimed at discrediting the West.

The British newspaper The Guardian reports that forest fires in northern Ukraine have approached the closed Chernobyl nuclear power plant and the site of the radioactive waste dump. More than 300 firefighters and aircraft have been dispatched to extinguish the fire. On Monday, representatives of the Ukrainian emergency services confirmed that the fire near Chernobyl belongs to the category of difficult, but radiation measurements in the region, as well as in Kyiv, are regularly conducted and there is no reason to panic.

After the cancellation of the quarantine, air tickets for any international flights may double in price, writes Telegraph. The newspaper quotes an airline industry source as saying that airlines will be required to comply with spacing rules and sell only a portion of the seats so that passengers can sit at a safe distance from each other. It is unclear how long this will last, but for many families, a vacation abroad may not be affordable for the foreseeable future, the publication writes.

Even if the virus does not cause the same serious symptoms as in adults, the child will still be a carrier of Covid-19. The pandemic has shown that children are less susceptible to the threats posed by Covid-19. Recently, however, there have been increasing reports of young patients with severe forms of the disease. What every parent should know: Covid-19 and Children: 12 Questions About What Threatens Your Child.

The coronavirus testing system in Moscow has become an obstacle to the treatment and prevention of the disease. About why this happens, here: “Fighting” labs and suspected pneumonia. How the approach to coronavirus diagnostics is changing in Russia.

Saveliy is an educated cat with a well-developed literary language, knowledge of history and foreign languages, and the ability to make accurate and insightful observations. How to enrich yourself spiritually without leaving home: What to read while in quarantine: our selection of modern Russian books.

Moscow pensioners who are forced to observe self-isolation can now practice online yoga.

Yoga 60+ in the age of coronavirus I’m sorry, but there is no Russian text available for translation. Could you please provide the text you would like translated into English?

Summary prepared by Anastasia Uspenskaya and Alexander Baranov.