Has Russia surpassed China in the number of Covid-19 cases?

In Russia, 6,198 new cases of coronavirus infection have been registered in 84 regions over the past day, according to the government’s Emergency Operations Center. Another 50 people infected with the coronavirus have died.

Russia has surpassed China and ranks ninth in the number of identified Covid-19 cases. In total, 87,147 cases of the disease were registered in all regions of Russia, and the number of recovered patients increased to 7,346 people. 579 people were discharged in one day.

In terms of the number of Covid-19 cases, Russia has now surpassed China, where the coronavirus outbreak began. According to the State Health Committee, China has reported 82,830 infections (according to Johns Hopkins University, 83,912 infections). Russia overtook China to take ninth place among countries affected by coronavirus.

2693 new cases in Russia (43.4%) were detected among those who had been in contact with previously infected individuals, they had no clinical symptoms of the disease, according to the headquarters report. In one day, 50 deaths of patients with coronavirus were recorded. In total, 794 people died of coronavirus in Russia during the entire period.

In Moscow, there were 2,871 new cases, and 31 patients with confirmed coronavirus and pneumonia died in one day. The total number of coronavirus deaths in the capital exceeded 400 people, with a total of 45,351 cases of Covid-19 recorded in the city, according to the city’s operational headquarters. 349 patients have recovered from Covid-19 in Moscow, with a total of 3,524 recoveries, said Deputy Mayor Anastasia Rakova.

Yesterday, the number of Covid-19 infected cases increased by 6,361. As of Sunday morning, 66 new deaths have been confirmed. On Saturday morning, headquarters reported 5,966 new cases of coronavirus infection, with 66 deaths. In the week from April 19 to 26, the number of confirmed Covid-19 diagnoses in Russia increased by 88.9% – from 42,853 to 80,949. Daily growth varies from 6.3 thousand to 1.9 thousand.

“In Moscow and the Moscow region, as well as in St. Petersburg, we are observing a significant decrease in the rate of growth of the disease, while in other regions this picture is less optimistic,” said Melita Vujnovic, a representative of the World Health Organization in Russia, according to RIA Novosti.

For the first time, the Russian Ministry of Defense has announced the number of infected persons in the armed forces. According to the data, from March to April 26, 874 military personnel have tested positive for the coronavirus, with four in critical condition. The coronavirus has also been detected in 779 cadets and students at military universities. Covid-19 has also been detected in 192 teachers and students at military preuniversity institutions. In addition, 245 civilian employees of the armed forces have become ill.

“Russians should spend the May holidays at home to prevent the explosive spread of the coronavirus,” Anna Popova, the head of Rospotrebnadzor, said Sunday. In her opinion, Russia is managing to avoid an explosion in coronavirus cases. “We don’t see a peak. A peak is an explosion. We don’t have an explosion,” she said on Russia-1 television.

According to Rospotrebnadzor, more than 3 million laboratory tests have already been conducted for the presence of the new coronavirus, and in the past day – more than 139,000 tests. Russia ranks second in the world in terms of coronavirus testing.

Russia will reach a plateau in the number of coronavirus cases by mid-May and it will get easier in June, said Dmitry Peskov, the presidential press secretary, in an interview with the magazine “Arguments and Facts”. “Let’s look at countries like Italy and Spain. The dynamics are more or less similar. How long did the critical phase last there? Up to a month and a half at the most. And we should reach that plateau by mid-May,” he said. “And then, in the first month of summer, things will probably get easier. And all these hardships, I repeat, will be quickly forgotten,” Peskov predicts.

On Tuesday, President Vladimir Putin will hold a meeting with governors, during which he may make a statement on the prospects of extending non-working days and self-isolation measures. “We are waiting for the president’s statement on Tuesday,” said Governor Oleg Kuvshinnikov at a meeting of the regional operational headquarters. Kuvshinnikov suggests that the non-working regime will be extended “at least until May 11”.

Last Friday, Popova, Deputy Prime Minister Tatyana Golikova, and participating epidemiologists called for the restrictions to be extended for another two weeks. The Kremlin has yet to comment on how long Putin can extend the restrictions. “It is obvious that a decision will have to be made on the basis of current dynamics or some short-term forecasts. Some medium- or long-term forecasts are unlikely. That is why it is like a guess to name a specific time frame now,” Peskov said on Monday.