Coronavirus: Over one million infected in the USA. Plan to exit quarantine declared in France?

One third of all deaths in the UK occur among nursing home residents. High coronavirus mortality in nursing homes is reported in the UK; the situation in Germany has worsened slightly, and Angela Merkel is urging state authorities not to lift the quarantine too quickly; Argentina has canceled all flights until September 1. For more information on the Covid-19 epidemic around the world, see the BBC Russian Service’s daily summary.

According to Johns Hopkins University, more than 3 million people worldwide have been infected with the coronavirus and more than 210,000 have died.

According to the UK’s Office for National Statistics, a third of coronavirus deaths in England and Wales occur in nursing homes. From April 13 to April 17, two thousand people with a diagnosis of Covid-19 died there, twice as many as in the previous week. The situation is predicted to worsen this week. Similar data is coming in from Scotland and Northern Ireland. However, the number of daily deaths from Covid-19 in hospitals across the country continues to decline after peaking on April 8. As of Tuesday morning, there have been 158.3 thousand confirmed cases of infection and more than 21 thousand deaths in the country. These figures do not include statistics from nursing homes and other closed facilities.

“Minute of silence in Britain At 11 a.m. local time, residents of the United Kingdom paid tribute to more than 100 doctors who died from COVID-19 after contracting the virus while saving patients’ lives. French Prime Minister Edouard Philippe announced that he will send a bill to Parliament to extend the state of emergency in the country until July 23. This law, if approved by Parliament, will allow the government to use decrees to restrict the freedom of assembly and movement of citizens, as well as the operation of businesses, until that date. However, authorities plan to gradually ease the quarantine. The Prime Minister presented a plan for the gradual lifting of the lockdown in the country, starting on May 11. This plan will be implemented in different regions of France, but strict quarantine measures will be maintained in the areas most affected by the epidemic. The plan includes the opening of shops and markets. Restaurants and bars will remain closed. Masks will be mandatory on public transportation. Sports championships, including soccer, do not resume until September.

The staff of a hospital in France dances at the entrance of the building. Spain and Greece continue to ease quarantine measures. On Tuesday, the authorities of these countries will announce the next relaxations. In Spain, as of last Sunday, children under the age of 14 are allowed to go outside once a day accompanied by an adult. Previously, they were not allowed to leave their homes. In Portugal, the state of emergency will be lifted as of May 2, announced the country’s president, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa. “We explain quickly, simply and clearly what happened, why it matters and what will happen next.” The number of offers should remain: episodes. End of story: Podcast Advertising. According to Johns Hopkins University, there have already been more than one million confirmed cases in the United States. The United States ranks first in the world in the number of Covid-19 cases, surpassing China in this indicator as early as March. The number of coronavirus deaths in the U.S. is 56,749, which is also the highest in the world. Meanwhile, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo announced that some areas of the state will begin easing lockdowns on May 15. Police officers over the age of 55 in Mumbai, India, are being told to stay home after three police officers died from Covid-19. Mumbai is in the state of Maharashtra, which has been hit hard by the coronavirus epidemic. As of Tuesday, 500 new cases had been registered there. According to Johns Hopkins University, the total number of people infected in the country is nearly 29,500, with 939 deaths. Quarantine measures in India are in effect until May 3. As New Zealand begins to return to normal life after nearly five weeks of strict quarantine, long lines have formed for fast food and takeaway coffee. People on social media are talking about queues at McDonald’s since 4am.

Social media users in New Zealand post photos of their trophies. New Zealand authorities have lowered the epidemic threat level to three, allowing restaurants to resume takeout service and thousands of people to return to work. Just over a thousand cases of Covid-19 have been identified in the country of five million since the pandemic began. New Zealand was one of the first countries in the world to close its borders, introduce quarantine measures and begin contact tracing of patients with confirmed diagnoses. International experts attribute New Zealand’s success to the personal leadership of Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern. In neighboring Australia, 2.4 million people have registered for the government app created to track contacts of people with Covid-19. The new app has a “digital handshake” feature that is activated when two app users are within 1.5 meters of each other. If a person has been in close proximity to an infected person for more than 15 minutes, they will receive a notification on their phone. Of the 12 new confirmed cases on the continent in the past day, 11 were successfully identified using the app. Authorities in Argentina have banned all international civil flights and commercial flights within the country until September 1. Airlines will not be allowed to sell tickets for flights scheduled after that date. Aviation industry officials warn that tens of thousands of people could lose their jobs.

In mid-March, Argentina imposed a strict quarantine regime. Currently, according to Johns Hopkins University, the country has registered nearly 4,000 cases of coronavirus infection, with 192 deaths. In Russia, another 6,411 cases of coronavirus infection have been registered in 83 regions. 72 people died in one day. Now in Russia there are 93,558 confirmed cases of Covid-19 – on the basis of this indicator it has surpassed Iran and reached the eighth place in the world.