What is coronavirus? And lockdown? How long does it last? Explain all about Covid-19!

We have created a virtual coronavirus advisor for you. He will explain the meaning of new words that have appeared since the beginning of the pandemic and answer your questions.
Antibody Test

Test to determine if a person has had Covid-19 and if they have immunity to the virus. The analysis determines the presence of antibodies in the blood that appear during the course of the disease.
No symptoms

The one who is sick but doesn’t show any symptoms of the disease. There is a version that a significant number of Covid-19 patients carry the disease without showing common symptoms such as cough or fever.

A member of a family of viruses that can cause disease of varying severity in humans and animals. The coronavirus causing the current epidemic is Covid-19. Other coronaviruses cause the common cold or seasonal influenza.

Disease associated with coronavirus infection. First discovered in Wuhan (China) in late 2019. Primarily affects the lungs.
Smooth the curve

Slow the development of the epidemic so that the total number of cases is spread over time, allowing the health system to cope with the peak load.

In English, the translated text would be “Influenza virus that causes seasonal epidemics in humans and animals.”
Collective immunity

As the spread of the disease slows after a significant portion of the population has recovered.

A person who cannot become infected because they have a specific immunity. This immunity is acquired during recovery (e.g. from Covid-19) and protects against re-infection for some time afterwards.
Incubation Period

The time between infection and onset of symptoms.

Restrictions on movement and other restrictive measures (closure of public buildings, prohibition to leave home). Several countries have imposed lockdowns to prevent the spread of the virus.
Flare up

Cases of disease that spread rapidly in one place or in several places at the same time.

An epidemic of a serious disease that spreads rapidly in many countries at the same time.

To isolate people with infectious diseases to prevent their spread. Note: The translation provided assumes that the phrase refers to isolating people with an infectious disease to prevent its spread.
SARS virus

One of the coronaviruses and the disease it causes is called severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), which broke out in Asia in 2003.

Voluntary “home confinement” to minimize contact with other people to prevent the spread of the disease.
Social distancing

Maintain social distancing to minimize the risk of transmission. Authorities recommend avoiding meetings with friends and relatives (except those who live together), working from home if possible, and not using public transportation.
State of Emergency

Restrictive measures imposed by authorities during a crisis. These can include closing schools and workplaces, restricting the movement of people, and even deploying troops to support essential services.

Any signs of infection that occur as a result of the immune system fighting the infectious agent. The main symptoms of Covid-19 are fever, dry cough and shortness of breath.

Preventive measure aimed at developing antibodies in the body against the infectious agent to prevent infection.
IVL Device

A device that provides oxygen to the lungs when they have failed due to disease.

A fragment of genetic code that, once inside a living cell, triggers the process of making its own copies. The virus can cause cell death and disrupt normal chemical processes in the body, leading to disease.
What do these terms mean? Coronavirus is an infectious disease that was identified in China in December 2019. Its more specific name is Covid-19. There are hundreds of coronaviruses, most of which are transmitted by animals, including pigs, camels, bats, and cats. But there are also some, like Covid-19, that infect humans. Some coronaviruses cause only mild discomfort, such as the common cold. Covid-19 can cause more serious illness, such as pneumonia. The majority of infected people experience only mild symptoms – fever, muscle aches and/or cough. They recover without special treatment. But some older people, as well as those with serious health problems (such as heart disease, diabetes, or cancer), are at high risk of developing a serious illness. When a person recovers, the body “remembers” the pathogen in case it is encountered again. However, immunity does not always last long and can wane over time. It is believed that those who recover from Covid-19 develop immunity to the disease. However, it is currently unknown how long this lasts. On average, symptoms appear about five days after infection, but sometimes it happens earlier or much later. The World Health Organization (WHO) reports that the incubation period can be up to 14 days. However, there is reason to believe that it may be as long as 24 days. More accurate data on the length of the incubation period will help physicians and healthcare organizations more effectively combat the spread of the virus. Both viruses are highly contagious. It is estimated that each Covid-19 patient will infect an average of two to three healthy people, while a patient with influenza will infect approximately one person. There are simple ways to stop the spread of flu and coronavirus. Sneeze and blow your nose into a tissue and throw it in the trash immediately. Four out of five people infected with Covid-19 will experience a mild, flu-like illness. Symptoms include fever and dry cough. You may feel unwell for several days, but will return to normal life within a week or so of the onset of symptoms. If the virus reaches the lungs, it can cause breathing problems and pneumonia. About one in seven infected people requires hospitalization. Asthmatics are advised to continue using inhalers as prescribed by their doctor. This will help reduce the risk of an asthma attack caused by any respiratory virus, including coronaviruses. Carry a stronger inhaler in case you feel your asthma symptoms get worse. If your asthma gets worse and there is a risk that you may have coronavirus The coronavirus can be more severe in older people and people with pre-existing conditions such as heart and lung disease or diabetes. There is no reason to believe that people with disabilities who do not have additional respiratory problems are at greater risk of contracting coronavirus. Some people may experience complications in the form of pneumonia due to Covid-19, especially if they already have lung problems. But because this is a new virus, no one has immunity to it, regardless of previous illnesses, including atypical pneumonia SARS. Quarantine and self-isolation may seem like extreme measures, but without them, the virus will spread quickly and uncontrollably. Unlike the flu, there is no vaccine for the new virus, making older people and those with underlying health conditions particularly vulnerable. Governments in different countries are constantly revising their recommendations on mask use, but WHO currently recommends that people wear masks if they have symptoms of coronavirus (persistent high fever, cough, or runny nose) or if they are caring for someone with a confirmed or suspected diagnosis of Covid-19. Masks can help protect you and others from infection, but only if they are used correctly and in combination with other measures, such as thorough hand washing and minimizing time spent outside the home. Concerns about masks vary. Some countries worry that there may not be enough masks for healthcare workers, while others worry that wearing a mask may give the wearer a false sense of security. You are also more likely to touch your face when you wear a mask. Make sure you know the rules in your area. For example, in Moscow it is mandatory to wear masks when going outdoors. If you live with someone who is self-isolating, minimize contact and avoid being in the same room if possible. The self-isolator should stay in a well-ventilated room with an open window and stay away from other people in the house. This is highly dependent on the type of surface. On hard surfaces such as doorknobs, elevator buttons, kitchen countertops, this period is likely to be around 48 hours, although some previous studies of coronaviruses have shown that they can survive for up to a week under suitable conditions. On soft surfaces, such as clothing, the virus lives for a shorter period of time, so if you have a coat with the virus on it and you do not wear it for a day or two, the virus is likely to lose its activity. Scientists are conducting research to understand the effects of Covid-19 on pregnant women, but there is still insufficient data. It is unknown whether a pregnant woman with the virus can transmit it to the fetus or infant during pregnancy or childbirth, but to date, the virus has not been detected in amniotic fluid samples or breast milk. For expectant mothers, there is currently no evidence that they are at greater risk of developing severe forms of the disease than other adults. However, due to changes in pregnant women’s bodies and immune systems, certain respiratory infections can significantly affect them. Mothers pass protection against infection to their babies through breast milk. When the body produces antibodies to fight infections, they are transmitted through breastfeeding. Nursing mothers should follow the same advice as everyone else – cover your mouth when sneezing or coughing, dispose of used tissues immediately, and wash your hands frequently, trying not to touch your eyes, nose, or mouth with unwashed hands. Overall, data from China and other countries indicate that children are less susceptible to coronavirus. This may be because they can get rid of the infection quickly or because they are completely asymptomatic or have only mild symptoms similar to a cold. However, caution should be exercised in children with pre-existing lung disease, especially asthma.

Properly washed hands reduce the risk of contracting any type of infection, including coronavirus.

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