“Durov shared the secrets of ‘eternal youth’! What do scientists and social networks think about it?”

On October 10, one of the creators of the social network “VKontakte” and the messenger Telegram, Pavel Durov, turned 36 years old. On this occasion, the entrepreneur published a post in his channel, where he mentioned that some people ask him how he manages to look younger than his age. Durov answered this question in seven points, the most important of which he considered the refusal to drink alcohol. What do scientists and users of Russian social networks think about the businessman’s advice? We have collected for you a selection of articles and comments from the Russian-speaking Internet.

According to Durov, it is better to abstain from alcohol altogether, as it is harmful to health and ages the body. Most scientists agree with him. Some studies also suggest that alcohol continues to affect your brain even after you stop drinking. If you are not ready to give up alcohol completely, you may want to consider how to minimize its negative effects. The BBC movie tells the story of twin doctors Chris and Xand van Tulleken. They conduct an experiment on themselves to understand how alcohol affects the human body (the movie is available only on the territory of Russia).

Durov advises getting plenty of sleep, and says that sleep deprivation during the week cannot be compensated for by “oversleeping” on the weekend. Some scientists disagree. According to one study, even eight hours of sleep a night can be harmful. According to Greg Jacobs of the Sleep Disorders Center at the University of Massachusetts Medical School, the relationship between sleep duration and life span can be depicted as a “U” shape. “The lowest mortality rate is observed at the very bottom of the “U” curve, and this point corresponds to seven hours of sleep per day,” the scientist said. But there are other opinions.

This is another commandment of healthy living. Advocates of different approaches to healthy eating agree on one thing: overeating is harmful. There are several simple ways to teach your body to know its limits. Physical activity actually reduces the risk of heart disease, protects against certain types of cancer, and prevents the development of type 2 diabetes. However, it is important to understand that the body needs different types of exercise at different ages in order to not only improve health, but also not to harm it. Read below to find out what exercise is best for you at different ages.

Stress and truth affect not only our mental health, but also our physiological health. Different people deal with stress in different ways: some exercise, some “eat it up,” some meditate, some take nature walks, some even sing. By the way, it turns out that singing in a choir is better. And some other useful articles: It may seem controversial, but it turns out that close social contact is not always good for you. Researchers at Tilburg University in the Netherlands analyzed data from 350,000 people in 37 countries and found that seeing relatives every day is just as bad as not seeing them at all. Durov, like many nutritionists, points out that red meat can be harmful to health because of the conditions in which the animals were fed. Even the World Health Organization advises caution in its consumption. How red meat is harmful and how to cook it better if you are not ready to give up a piece of beef or pork is discussed in the article below.

Some users of Russian social networks agreed with Durov’s advice, while others couldn’t resist making jokes about the billionaire. For example, it has been suggested that the real secret of youth in 7 points is the recipe for the famous McDonald’s Big Mac from their commercials. Or they accused Durov of keeping quiet about certain things. There is an opinion that Durov looks his age. Also that his selection of tips could have been shorter. And here, journalist Vladimir Guriev wonders why you should look younger than your age if you still live alone.

There is also this opinion ¯\_(ツ)_/¯