Coronavirus in the world: half a million deaths in the USA, Britain begins a cautious exit from lockdown?

In the USA, half a million people have died from Covid-19. Authorities in Britain are ready to begin releasing the country from a strict lockdown, while France faces a third nationwide lockdown. Fans at the Australian Open booed an official who mentioned vaccination. This and other news about the development of the situation with the coronavirus in the world – in our review.

According to Johns Hopkins University, a total of nearly 111.5 million people worldwide have been infected with the coronavirus since the pandemic began, and nearly 2.5 million have died. Deaths in the United States alone have approached 500,000. The U.S. continues to lead in the number of people infected – 28.1 million.

Britain has announced plans for a gradual exit from the lockdown it has been in since late December. The authorities have announced that the exit will be gradual and will take place in four stages, each of which will be divided into several steps.

From the end of March, the British were allowed to gather in small groups in open spaces. The first stage is scheduled for March 8, when schools will reopen, which the authorities say is a priority. Earlier, the government discussed measures to help students catch up on their education. We explain quickly, simply, and clearly what happened, why it matters, and what will happen next. The number of offers should remain: episodes. The end of the story: Podcast Advertising

Various options have been proposed, including significantly shortening this year’s summer vacation, extending the school day by an average of two hours until the end of the academic year, and even holding all students back for an additional year. However, no final decision has been made.

From the beginning of March, it will also be allowed to meet people on the street, but not more than one person at a time. However, from March 29, the British will be able to gather in open spaces in groups of up to 6 people or two households. From the same date, people will be able to go for walks outside their areas, but overnight stays outside the home will still be prohibited. At the end of March, the sports clubs and sections will also resume their work.

The second phase in England will begin on April 12 with the opening of shops, hair salons, gyms, outdoor restaurants, zoos and theme parks. The third stage will come on May 17, when the main restrictions on social contact will be lifted and it will be allowed to meet indoors (albeit in small groups). Boris Johnson expressed hope that from June 21 all restrictions on social contact will be lifted in England, leaving Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland to make independent decisions on the matter. At the same time, authorities warn that the planned exit from the lockdown will only be possible if four conditions are met.

The persistently high infection rate in France is preventing the authorities from easing the quarantine measures. The epicenter of the infection is currently Nice, with more than 700 cases per 100,000 inhabitants. This is three times higher than in the rest of the country, where the current statistics are 190 cases per 100,000 people.

After Christmas, Nice became the epicenter of the coronavirus spread in France. In Nice and throughout the region, a partial lockdown will be in effect for the next two weeks. Experts believe that the current situation is the result of the relaxation over the Christmas period, when the number of international flights to the south of France increased from 20 to 120 per day and most tourists, according to the mayor of Nice, did not undergo a virus test. Scientists also believe that the British strain, which has entered the country, is making itself known. Many shops in the country are open, but restaurants are still closed. French authorities say the most important thing now is to avoid a third nationwide lockdown.

Many schools in Germany opened on Monday, but officials warn that the epidemiological situation remains complicated. Only in two of the 16 federal states do the statistics show less than 50 cases per 100,000 people, while in the rest of the states, the statistics are far from the desired result. In some areas of Bavaria, there are 354 infected people per 100,000 inhabitants. Although the situation has improved slightly since January, the authorities are not celebrating. According to German Health Minister Jens Spahn, the current situation is very frustrating. He promises that the vaccination of teachers will be accelerated nationwide starting March 1.

During the awards ceremony for the winner of the Australian Open tennis championship (Novak Djokovic), many fans in the stands muttered disapproval when the country’s immunization campaign was mentioned.

Several people were removed from the stands by security at the Rod Laver Arena. This year, the Grand Slam tournament was held with a very limited number of spectators, and many top players did not come at all due to restrictions. At the awards ceremony, one of the tournament’s organizers said that the appearance of the vaccine inspires optimism and the belief that everything will soon return to normal. Overall, the vaccination campaign is supported by the majority of Australians, but last Saturday there were small protests against the vaccination in several cities, including Melbourne and Sydney. Deputy Prime Minister Michael McCormack called the behavior of Australian fans reprehensible. According to him, the vaccine will help the country return to normal life, and booing anything in general is unworthy.